About This Project

From the moment the University of Illinois was founded in 1867, women advocated for a seat at the table. In 1870, the Board of Trustees voted to admit women to the University.

In celebration of the sesquicentennial of the University, the Gender Equity Council and the University Library have created this website highlighting women who have made significant achievements during their time at the University either as students, staff, faculty, or alumni. The mission of the Gender Equity Council (GEC) which is under the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost is β€œto advocate policies, sponsor programs, and monitor progress towards creating a gender-equitable and inclusive climate for faculty at Illinois.”

The women featured here were gathered via nomination as well as extensive research in the University Archives, and consultation with experts on the history of the University.

This project was managed by Cindy Ingold, Gender Studies and Multicultural Services Librarian, and Medra Roberts-Southerland, Senior Diversity Initiatives Specialist. Leanna Barcelona, a graduate of the School of Information Sciences, did the research for this site spending countless hours in the University Archives. The site was designed by Nick Ferraz.

This is a dynamic website. We welcome feedback as well as additional nominations of women to add to the site. Pease contact Cindy Ingold (cingold@illinois.edu) Chair of the Gender Equity Council.